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Upcoming on Sundays 9:30am


Stack of Books



Share & Invite​

​Liar, Lunatic or Lord?

How Jesus saved us by not saving himself​.

Teaching Matthew 26-28

​Feb 2 - March 23​



O Sweet Exchange

Matthew 27:1-26

March 2​


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More about Sundays


Conference Meeting




At our Sunday gatherings we read and teach from a portion of the Bible. Our goal is to hear and understand the gospel of God, and to respond in faith and repentance. To aid understanding we have a short public question and answer time during the service every 3 or 4 weeks.




There is no dress code. We serve a light morning tea after the service. Please stay for a cuppa. We do not collect any money during the service. Instead, giving for the church is received online at




Our gatherings are public. Anyone is welcome - religious, secular, atheist, skeptic, or believer. We often provide printed handouts of the text for the day. Bibles are also available at the door. You can also download Bible Apps such as




Services are at 9:30am. They typically conclude around 10:45am. We usually sing 3 or 4 songs. Lyrics are always displayed publicly. You are welcome to listen in or sing along.




During school term we run a Kids Church parallel with the service. It starts about 20 minutes into the service. This is a great place for children Aged 3 to Grade 6 to learn about Jesus. All children join for the start of the main service. When Kids Church starts, they are welcome to stay with their parents or move to Kids Church.


Please join us this Sunday.


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Church is for Everyone


Coffee Shop



Matthew 9:11-13


“Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”



Pink Gradient


​So, church is for everyone


Jesus came to bring mercy. To bring forgiveness. To reconcile us to God. To bear God's judgement that we deserve. To restore us to a right relationship with God by turning to him as Lord.


So, you might be a believer, sceptic, curious, atheist, religious, not religious, or unsure. Anyone is welcome to learn with us, and be reconciled to God through Jesus.



So, for believers


The Bible assumes believers will be wrestling with their faith.



Luke's Example


Luke wrote his Gospel for his friend, Theophilus. Luke's express purpose in writing was so that his friend 'may know the certainty of the things you have been taught'.


This is instructive. Luke knew his friend was already believer. Luke was not saying that Theophilus did not understand Jesus, nor was his faith misplaced. However, Luke knew that his friend would still benefit from being able to read a thoughtful investigation of what had happened to Jesus. A rational examination of the evidence would strengthen Theophilus' faith and certainty.



Jude's Example


Jude's letter concludes with an exhortion to 'be merciful to those who doubt'.


Again, this is written to believers. The fact that Jude speaks of believers 'who doubt' shows that the lived experience of believers need not be doubt-free. What, then, does it look like to be merciful to doubting believers? At the minimum, it involves allowing believers to raise questions, discuss and examine assumptions, and will require looking more at the Bible, rather than less.


We encourage believers to come and learn, to wrestle with and strengthen their faith.


Coffee Shop


And, for skeptics


The Bible also assumes people will be skeptical of the truths of Jesus.


This Bible is not averse to being questioned or explored. Its message is not mythology, but rather historical and literary. The same tools used for responsibly examining any document are also to be used on the Bible: seeking understanding rather than jumping to prejudice, seeking to read in context, and honouring authorial intent.


For sceptics, it is also important to let the process of interrogation run both ways. You will also bring your own assumptions to the table. Just as the Bible can be interrogated, so can the assumptions of the skeptic. The process of interacting with the Bible can provide an opportunity for the skeptic to better understand and assess their own assumptions, which in turn will allow a more fruitful interaction with the claims of Jesus.


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Past Sermons


Coffee Shop



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Prayerfully proclaiming Jesus together

as we teach and learn from the Bible


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